Sean Conway Law Firm, LLC
(386) 469-9571
27 Years Experience representing people
throughout Florida..
Criminal Defense Family Law General Practice
As featured in the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and local TV:

If you have seen 'Hat Trick Award' noted on an attorney's site, local criminal bar associations give them to their members whenever one of them achieves the rare result of getting 3 consecutive Not Guilty verdicts. This is a rare event, and some attorneys apply for this award if they achieve it.
As my Trial Record shows, there have been SEVEN times where I have achieved 3 consecutive Not Guilty verdicts - I just have never applied for an award when it happens.

The information in this section contains information about attorney Sean Conway’s past Trial & Appeal results. This information has not been reviewed or verified by the Florida Bar. The facts and circumstances of your case may differ from the matters in which results and testimonials have been provided. All results of cases handled by attorney Sean Conway have not been provided - only cases that went to a Jury Trial, or were resolved on Appeal.
Every case is different, and each client’s case must be evaluated and handled on its own merits.
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